Monday, October 13, 2008

100 Years of the Roundel

Sasan Hiller | Simon

Rose Fin | Phil Allen

Peter Blake | Paul Noble

Paul Mcdevitt | Jim Isermann

James Ireland | Imran Qureshi

Henrik | Des Hughes

Clare woods | Catherine

Bob & Roberta Smith | Alicia Framis

Roundel icon which is the icon of Underground in London is completing 100years. To celebrate 100 years of London Underground's iconic roundel, Art on the Underground has commissioned 100 contemporary artist to create artworks based on the symbol.

The artworks are currently on show at the Rochelle School in Shoreditch, London, until October 30 and a number of them will also appear as posters on the Underground network. Here is a selection of our favorites.

I feel majority of these are very poor considering Art on the Underground has appointed 100 contemporary artist to create artwork.


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